There is no place in the world like Dyker Heights, Brooklyn to see Christmas lights. This being an old Italian neighborhood, it reflects all the wonders of Italian culture. Street after street is lined with lavish Christmas decorations. One street, 84th between 11 & 12th avenues, is by far the most amazing block of all. Cars line up for a 30 to 45 minute wait just to go to up this block. On one of my walks I ventured down this block. It was just about night with the light beginning to sparkle. One home owner who had just moved onto this block did not realize that between thanksgiving and new years his block would be a virtual parking lot. This was his first year to try and match what his neighbor had put up. He had erected a fully animated Ferris wheel in the Christmas theme with lights surrounding. This might seem like a lot, but his neighbor had erected nearly 150 lite wooden soldiers along with a driveway adorned in angels with a magnificent chair that would seat a real Santa Claus. The final home at the end of this block was adorned with a huge Santa and Wooden soldiers.
People who drive by these homes are amazed at the wonder of the lights and decorations. This has been going on since I lived in Brooklyn, for nearly 30 years. There are many stories as to how this all got started. One story, regarding the largest display centers around a child that died earlier in the year and the parents being without their child on the following Christmas took to making their amazing display. Of all the holidays that we Americans celebrate during the year, Christmas holds a lot of emotions. Like Thanksgiving, it is another family day but adds to it the dimension of gift giving. There are many categories of gift giving. We give gifts to some people because we love them, like our children and significant others. Others are on our obligation list. In some cases we have no clue what to buy a person and often get the wrong gift as is demonstrated when the person opens their present with no emotion. My friend collects gifts that she calls “forward gifts”… that will eventually be given in their original state to others.
This year two things have changed my gift giving patterns. Number one – I am broke. Number two – Corporate American has truly shown its cards with all the greed over this past year. The first reason is largely due to the second reason. This situation has given me a good excuse to review what Christmas is really all about. I have enjoyed being in Church several times a week to quietly pray for my life and those around me. I have come to appreciate what it means to “Not be of this world”. Again, American corporate businesses are trying once again to distort Christmas. Bigger and bolder sales, Non-ending emails on the latest and greatest Christmas gifts. This year, I feel like all of this promotion really smells.
If you look around my house, you will find that the longest lasting gifts are the ones people made for me. One is a simple cross my granddaughter created several years ago. One is a book with notes of encouragement from a Bible Study group I taught in the late ‘80’s. What wonderful memories they bring. The gift of Love from our hearts is worth a lot to the recipient. Hopefully in this difficult economic time we can take advantage of what has happened and grow closer to Christ.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
People who drive by these homes are amazed at the wonder of the lights and decorations. This has been going on since I lived in Brooklyn, for nearly 30 years. There are many stories as to how this all got started. One story, regarding the largest display centers around a child that died earlier in the year and the parents being without their child on the following Christmas took to making their amazing display. Of all the holidays that we Americans celebrate during the year, Christmas holds a lot of emotions. Like Thanksgiving, it is another family day but adds to it the dimension of gift giving. There are many categories of gift giving. We give gifts to some people because we love them, like our children and significant others. Others are on our obligation list. In some cases we have no clue what to buy a person and often get the wrong gift as is demonstrated when the person opens their present with no emotion. My friend collects gifts that she calls “forward gifts”… that will eventually be given in their original state to others.
This year two things have changed my gift giving patterns. Number one – I am broke. Number two – Corporate American has truly shown its cards with all the greed over this past year. The first reason is largely due to the second reason. This situation has given me a good excuse to review what Christmas is really all about. I have enjoyed being in Church several times a week to quietly pray for my life and those around me. I have come to appreciate what it means to “Not be of this world”. Again, American corporate businesses are trying once again to distort Christmas. Bigger and bolder sales, Non-ending emails on the latest and greatest Christmas gifts. This year, I feel like all of this promotion really smells.
If you look around my house, you will find that the longest lasting gifts are the ones people made for me. One is a simple cross my granddaughter created several years ago. One is a book with notes of encouragement from a Bible Study group I taught in the late ‘80’s. What wonderful memories they bring. The gift of Love from our hearts is worth a lot to the recipient. Hopefully in this difficult economic time we can take advantage of what has happened and grow closer to Christ.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.